Angling exploration part 2.

Finally I am back from my camping trip and back in business. At the ending of my last post I made a huge conversion error while converting kilometers into miles and said I had hiked over 20 miles that afternoon. The fact is we hiked approx. 12 kilometers which makes about 7,5 miles. My bad.

Anyway… When we woke up the next “morning”, we woke up to the sweet song of a small bird and absolutely no other sound at all. The sun was shining and there was not even a breeze to speak of. Me and Kirk, the notsotiredanymore American walked down to the pool where the rest of the gang had caught their big fish the night before. Kirk decided to fish the pool above but I fished the pool in question. A few casts in and I hooked a fish. This one was fairly big but did not really give me the fight I was hoping for. When I released the fish I found the possible reason for it’s eagerness for surrender; the water was freezing!!

After a few more casts with no luck we kept going downstream. And we walked and fished every single bend, pool and good looking run we came across but found no fish. A good walk downstream and I remembered our perils from the night before and decided to head back to camp rather than go further. Kirk, who is in much better shape then me, decided to keep going. I admired his enthusiasm when I walked back and the walk seemed endless.

When I arrived back at the pool I decided to take a few more casts and soon I hooked a fish. This one was a bit smaller then the first one but had a lot more fight in him. Snapped some photos and released it back. Took some more casts and soon hooked another one. While fighting it I saw where the rest of the group pulled up to the cabin.Landed and realesed the biggest char I had caught up there in the highlands so far and headed back to the cabin.

The guys had not caught anything and we decided to eat and make new plans. For some the siesta after luch went on a bit longer so we split up again and me and my cousin went to explore the river the ran past our cabin. After a bit of walking we arrived at a very beautiful spot in the river and we both swore that if there was no fish there we’d turn to golf. Luckily we will still be fishing in  the future and all the golf balls in the world can feel safe knowing that fact.

I still had on my sink tip line from that deep pool from before so when I spotted a fish in the first pool I told my cousin to go for it. Soon he hooked and landed a decent char that really gave him a fight. I started wondering wether the big ones were too old and tired to really fight. We fished the other pools in the area and decided to check up on the guys before going further. When we arrived back at the cabin we found two snoring anglers in the bunk beds inside.

More to come….

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